An application has already been filed to gain approval for hemp in layer feed, but Hemp Feed Coalition also wants that same approval for broiler feed

Move over, tractors – drones might play a large role in the future of sustainable cannabis cultivation.
Companies that make agricultural drones say they can offer marijuana and hemp cultivators economically and environmentally sustainable help with a range of applications, including:
Land surveying, photography and scouting.
Precision seed planting.
Application of fertilizer and pest-control products.
Barchart, the leader in commodity data, jointly announces a new strategic partnership with PanXchange, the leading benchmark price provider in US Hemp and the defacto benchmark price provider for US Frac Sand (proppant). Under the terms of the agreement, PanXchange will join the cmdty Pricing Network and make their benchmark prices available through Barchart’s data services and cmdtyView – the leading analytic solution for physical commodities.

LINCOLN — Would-be hemp farmers and processors finally have their chance to put some seed in the ground and reap a legal harvest in Nebraska. The State Department of Agriculture on Friday…