Cannabusters – the Odor Stopper is sold as a concentrate in 250, 55, and 5 gallon sizes. Contact us for pricing and shipping to your facility.
Available Sizes:
- 5-gallon pail
- 55-gallon drum
- 250-gallon tote
Who We Are
Cannabusters – the Odor Stopper’s entry into the cannabis industry is backed by years of scientific testing and real-world application, with track record of success stories. If odor is a problem, Cannabusters is the solution!
What We Do
In a phrase – Oxidative Odor Elimination! Our patented chemistry activates free iodine (I2), which oxidizes or dismantles every organic molecule upon contact in an airstream. The result? No odor, no odor complaints and no regulatory scrutiny, which frees you to focus on your business! Our deep experience in Municipal Solid Waste, Wastewater Treatment, Food Waste, Medical Waste, Composting and Rendering combine to bring you peace of mind about odor at your cannabis cultivation or processing facility.
Cannabusters –Terpenes are a Volatile Organic Compound, (VOC), and VOC’s add to Greenhouse Gases, which destroy our ozone layer. And unlike fragrance-based products, Cannabusters adds no VOC’s to the ambient air.
Cannabusters – the Odor Stopper oxidizes and eliminates odorous compounds like terpenes, terpenoids, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, mercaptans, and sulfur dioxide. Multiple FDA level 3rd party tests demonstrate Cannabusters’ safety to people, pets, plants and the planet! The resulting product is an effective, gentle oxidizing agent that effectively eliminates ALL organic odorous compounds.

Scientific Process
Cannabusters – the Odor Stopper oxidizes or dismantles every organic odor upon contact, molecule by molecule. Without fragrance to mask or encapsulate – odor is eliminated.
Cannabusters – the Odor Stopper is the culmination of years of study and application by a team of innovators and scientists. With a handful of patents, an extensive list of university studies, grants, commercial trials, publications, the science is settled – oxidative odor elimination is your best choice for odor control!
It’s Safe and Effective
Cannabusters – the Odor Stopper is:
- Non-Toxic
- Non-Cytotoxic
- Non-Sensitizing
- Well below OSHA PEL limits
- Not a pesticide, as certified by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation
- Adds no VOC’s
- Adds no HAP’s
Good for Your Bottom Line
Cannabusters – the Odor Stopper is by far your best choice! At a fraction of the cost of fragrance-based competitors, you get great value and effective odor elimination!
How do we offer such great value? Firstly – because fragrance is expensive, secondly – we own the intellectual property rights and trademarks and manufacture in-house.
In both CAPEX and OPEX, nobody delivers better value.
Good for Your Business and Image
Cannabusters – the Odor Stopper keeps neighbors from complaining and keeps regulators from knocking on your door. Because if there is no odor, there are no odor complaints!
How We Do It
When Cannabusters – the Odor Stopper is atomized into any odorous airstream – Free Iodine (I2) goes to work. Every molecule of organic odor is oxidized or dismantled upon contact when I2 breaks the carbon connection. That odorous molecule is changed in composition and will never smell again.
Why Cannabusters is the best solution for your facility:
As cannabis is legalized across the continent and world, odor management plans are increasingly part of permitting processes and requirements. While there are many fragrance-based odor control products competing in the space – only Cannabusters will eliminate odor without adding VOC’s, masking or fragrance.
We are experienced in proposing, designing, and installing deployment systems tailored to your facilities’ needs. Our commitment is to take odor issue concerns off the table at your facility and provide peace of mind – now, and into the future!
Contact us today and allow us to bring peace of mind around odor concerns to your facility!
Open, Semi Closed & Closed Loop Facilities
Cannabusters – the Odor Stopper is deployed using high-pressure fog on air exhaust points like roof vents and exhaust fans.
Cannabusters – the Odor Stopper is a liquid concentrate that is diluted into water by use of a metering pump that can be set for precise and accurate odor control at every stage of plant production. The metering pump has optional automatic adjustability and can controlled from your greenhouse control system.
Each Cannabusters – the Odor Stopper deployment system is custom designed for your facility using only the best materials for a reliable, trouble free service life.