Einbock Aerostar

Andrew Bish

Founder & CEO

Andrew Bish is the COO of Bish Enterprises and founder of Hemp Harvest Works. After exiting the retail management industry after 14 years, he rejoined the family business in 2012 and transitioned into the agriculture industry. Since 2015, he has been focusing on identifying and resolving the many issues currently facing hemp harvesting and processing. His goal is to provide equipment that helps standardize hemp farming practices, while allowing growers to increase their scale of operation and decrease costs.

Einbock Aerostar

Semi-automatic Machines
Automatic Machines
Years of work in the fields

Einbock Aerostar

The Einbock Aerostar is our proven classic weeder. It has a very good weeding effect (70% of the success I weeding is done by covering and choking germinating weeds with topsoil). It has a perfect ground control through pivoting forks, sections hanging in chains and long tines. 70% of the weeds can be destroyed with mechanical weed control. The remaining 30% do not damage the culture plant decisively. From the mentioned 70% of the weeds are covered in the germination stage and only 30 % of the weeds are destroyed by being pulled out. Therefore, correct timing of the operation is crucial. The Einböck Tined Weeder AEROSTAR with a line 40 tines per m working width are standard. The number of tines and the exact tine guidance with a 28 mm long plastic holder offer a higher tine vibration in connection with the working width. This better tine vibration allows a better soil preparation. So more pourable soil, covering the weed, is created.

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