Hemp Industries Association® Awards Recipients Honored at HIACON19
Last week the Hemp Industries Association held its 2019 Annual Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina where
the results of this year’s awards recipients, voted on by the membership, were announced. The winners are:
• Outstanding Organization Award: U.S. Hemp Roundtable
• Advocate of the Year Award: Joe Kirkpatrick
• Event of the Year: U.S. Hemp Growers Conference & Expo
• Innovation Award: GenCanna
• Leadership Award: Rick Trojan
• Lifetime Achievement Award: Joy Beckerman
The BOARD ELECTIONS are still open! 342 more votes are needed to reach a quorum so the election can
be validated. If you are a voting member of the HIA in good standing and have not yet voted, please see
the email sent on 10/23 with the subject line “CAST YOUR VOTE” to obtain your ballot. If you have not
received a ballot please email Erin Pully at erin@thehia.org.
Thank you again for everyone who participated in this year’s HIACON and don’t forget to mark your calendars for
HIACON2020, November 1-4 in PORTLAND, OR